Send us a message and we will contact you with an offer for your club.
Send us a message and we will contact you with an offer for your club.
What you get:
Start the digitalization of your club with a 30-day trial today! No obligations.
Manage the club transparently and efficiently. Join over 760 clubs already using the eos club platform. And finally have everything smooth, nice and easy.
We have real data from the clubs that use the EOS platform. We know that a club of your size will save in average {{time}} and {{money}} per season thanks to EOS. Don't lose time with manual work and collect membership fees effectively – more and sooner. How much more exactly will you get thanks to the EOS effect?
A modern website built according to the latest trends as a great PR solution and recruiting tool. The third pillar of club digitalization that completes the eos ecosystem. Built upon our own user-friendly content management system.
E-shop solution for processing club orders for both members and the public. Categories, products, shipping and payment methods, custom order statuses, exports of ordered items, and other goodies.
Digital programs of matches and other events organized by you. The visitor simply scans the QR code on the spot and can get into reading the digital bulletin. It takes a moment to create and also helps save our forests. Everything is online.
You don’t pay any activation fee upon purchase. There is only a regular monthly fee based on the number of your active members. It’s most convenient to pay it annually though, because you get a 10% discount. In the month we sign the contract, we invoice you the fee for the first year. The next invoicing will take place again in a year. However, you can also pay the fee in smaller installments without a discount, either monthly or quarterly.
Active members are those members who have active access to the club platform. That is, those to whom you send an invitation and they create a user account. They are usually players, coaches and club management. Parents are not counted (unless they are active members themselves, e.g. coaches). In the platform, you can also keep a database of any number of inactive members who are not counted towards the fee.
Only active members count towards the fee (see previous answer). When purchasing, you tell us the number of your active members for whom you intend to use the platform the first year. If your number of members unexpectedly increases significantly during the year, you will switch to a higher tariff and we would invoice you for the difference. We will then calculate the fee for the next year before the next billing period based on the current number of active members.
Yes. The 30-day trial version is a clean full version that we will install directly for you club, in your colors. You can test everything you want, and we support you during this period. When you decide to go for EOS during the trial period, you can seamlessly transition into the live version with all the data you currently have in the trial. If you used only testing data in the trial version though, we will erase everything for you and you can start with a clean slate.
Do you do it all manually and it’s the same over and over? Does it cause you constant headaches? It’s the 21st century and there is a modern solution to save yourself a lot of redundant work.