Online application for sports club management

EOS platform for clubs and other organizations

With the EOS member platform, you’ll have all paperwork and communication in one place. Our clients say they can’t imagine life without it anymore. Besides saving nerves, it also saves heaps of time and money. Make it easy on yourself.

  • Free activation
  • Easy start – we walk you through
  • From 18 EUR / month, tax incl.
Also available in a top-rated mobile app
in the App Store
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Everything you need for easy management

780+ clubs65 sports175,000+ members

The EOS platform saves time, effort and money across lots of various organizations.
map placeholder
ACEMA Sparta Praha
FK Čáslav
HC Lvi Břeclav
BK Děčín
Sokol Pardubice
Florbal Hodonín
Atletika Olomouc
Warriors Bratislava
Eagles Praha
Český veslařský klub Praha
FBK Harvard Partizánske
VK UP Olomouc
iDance Brno
Plavání Kometa Brno
Czech Softball
ACEMA Sparta Praha
FK Čáslav
HC Lvi Břeclav
BK Děčín
Sokol Pardubice
Florbal Hodonín
Atletika Olomouc
Warriors Bratislava
Eagles Praha
Český veslařský klub Praha
FBK Harvard Partizánske
VK UP Olomouc
iDance Brno
Plavání Kometa Brno
Czech Softball
FbŠ Bohemians Praha
Liberec Handball
SK Prosek Praha
SK Nové Město na Moravě
Volejbal Ústí nad Labem
Piranhas Beroun
AK Škoda Plzeň
Basketpoint Frýdek-Místek
Kodokai Brno
Bikrosclub Řepy
Bobcats Příbram
SK Karate Spartak Hradec Králové
HBC Pardubice
JNS cheerleaders
Judo SK Královo Pole Brno
FbŠ Bohemians Praha
Liberec Handball
SK Prosek Praha
SK Nové Město na Moravě
Volejbal Ústí nad Labem
Piranhas Beroun
AK Škoda Plzeň
Basketpoint Frýdek-Místek
Kodokai Brno
Bikrosclub Řepy
Bobcats Příbram
SK Karate Spartak Hradec Králové
HBC Pardubice
JNS cheerleaders
Judo SK Královo Pole Brno

The EOS platform continues to receive great feedback from the clients. See for yourself in the references.

References by the clients
Vit Drasar
Sokol Pardubice

The eos system saves us both time and money. Our members administration processes have got enormously faster and the member and payment registration system has become more efficient.

Vit Drasar
mayor, Sokol Pardubice
Denisa Sladkova
Sportklub Kladno

Before, we used paper applications and also had to issue proofs of payment for the members manually. With the help of the eos platform we have speeded these processes up and improved the communication with the parents.

Denisa Sladkova
head coach Deti na startu, Sportklub Kladno
Martin Vyroubal
FK Brandys-Boleslav

We are most pleased with eos about how well we are able to collect the membership fees and communicate them to the parents, how transparent the process can be.

Martin Vyroubal
youth coordinator, FK Brandys-Boleslav
David Uhlir
Atleticky klub Olomouc

We were also positively surprised by the response from the members and parents. The communication between the office, coaches, and individual members of the club has been unified.

David Uhlir
President, Atleticky klub Olomouc
Daniel Wertheim
ACEMA Sparta Praha

What we appreciate most about eos is that thanks to it our club is in one place, which we appreciate most when organizing various club events.

Daniel Wertheim
marketing manager, ACEMA Sparta Praha
Adela Bocanova
FBS Bohemians Praha

The biggest saving is the decrease in e-mail communication, because the parents can find everything here – nominations, attendance or payments. All this goes through eos.

Adela Bocanova
secretary, FBS Bohemians Praha
Tadeas Chroust
Florbal Mlada Boleslav

We appreciate the environment of the app being clear, user-friendly and intuitive.

Tadeas Chroust
operations manager, Florbal Mlada Boleslav
Monika Perglerova
CVK Praha

The eos platform saves me an incredible amount of time. All you have to do is push the info in there that there is a race coming and the parents know everything instantly. Thanks to this, we have more time for working with the kids.

Monika Perglerova
youth coordinator, CVK Praha
Jakub Dura
BK Armex Decin

Eos simplified and centralized the operation of our club. The biggest saving is the time and energy of the coaches who find it much easier to manage their teams now.

Jakub Dura
sports manager, BK Armex Decin
Veronika Burianova
Eagles Praha

I recommend the app to all clubs that want to be modern and communicate online, which I think is a must-have these days. On top of that, even a layman can handle this with eos.

Veronika Burianova
sports manager, Eagles Praha
Ondrej Riebauer
Kanonyri Kladno

I am constantly surprised by the individual approach in support. Our suggestions or questions are always addressed almost instantly.

Ondrej Riebauer
general manager, Kanonyri Kladno

Don’t be a boss of paper. Make it easy on yourself!

Do you do it all manually and it’s the same over and over? Does it cause you constant headaches? It’s the 21st century and there is a modern solution to save yourself a lot of redundant work.

I don’t want to be a boss of paper
Don’t be a boss of paper. Make it easy on yourself!